Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

one teruk pll will do the things!

today mood no good!

hate someone !
hate something!
dunno y ! just like got give ppl "tipu"de feeling!!
and also got something like wanted to "exit" this "game"!
got ppl say me de"sikap pelik pelik" de!!
got ppl say me as a naib pengerusi for this "game" but like 一点也不在意`de!
got someone lagi "teruk"! take de naib pengerusi to "tekan"me!!!
this teruk ppl in class lagi lagi teruk !! dunno where / when i 得罪 he !!

today puan huan give he one pile of "lukisan" he take himself de and he also "edar' the lukisan to his friend!but dunno y left the 2 "lukisan" is me de !! he dunno y throw my lukisan on the floor! so @#$% lo!! if he is 不小心 de! thn just say sorry to me la! me angry de is ! after the lukisan jatuh on the floor, he one word sorry also didn't say then just go away!!!
help me take the lukisan from the floor also didn't!!! this teruk ppl really @#$%^&*!!

1 ulasan:

  1. 别生气了啦!!!
